Friday, March 03, 2006

How wonderful

I was pruning a tree late last night, or you can say early today (the skies were still quite dark), and I was hungry. The growling in my stomach did not cease for a while and thinking that I would be fast asleep soon after my task, I thought not of my hunger.

Suddenly, I spied a bear in the distance, whose fur was as white as snow. I recognise that he was my dear friend, one whom I had met while on this journey. He too was on his way to find the Story teller. I saw that he was sitting near a food vendor. So I called out to him, to see if I could join him there and perhaps have some food together. He promptly replied that I could. Almost immediately, I left the pruning of the tree till the morrow, and joined my friend the bear for a meal.

While eating, we talked and joked about our recent encounters and trials, about our desire to want to do the right things, and also about the tough trials our fellow pilgrims are going through (This journey to find the Story teller is not for the faint hearted, though I believe the faint hearted, if he were to seek after Him, would in due time find that he would not faint so easily). We agreed that it would be wonderful if as fellow prilgrims we could come together and spur one another on, carrying and supporting one another.

When I got back to my cabin, I found that I was not only full from food, but some thirst in me was quenched. I spoke to a Dove and asked him why. He reminded me of an old saying, ”For when two or three are gathered in my name, there am I with them.” I realised then that my friend the bear and I were not alone at the table a while back ago, the dear Son of the Story teller was there too. The Dove spoke again, ”Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled.” He fed us with food and water.

How wonderful the Son. How wonderful the Father. And how wondeful the Dove who helped me see them.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

He is ever so faithful and ever by our side...