Pilgrim on a journey, the One he seeks to find,
Is He in ancient stories, yet appears through all times.
With the bible in one hand, he starts across the land,
Yet as he reads the Word, he knows he must form a band.
Thus Pilgrim asks and prays, to his Lord his requests lay,
Without any delay, the Lord brought him to this place,
Where pilgrims come together, all to seek His face,
With patience with each other, showing our Lord's grace.
In groups they meet often, much like those ancient days,
With support and encouragement, much fun, food and play.
When it is time for war, these people rise and soar,
Without any restraints, these people pour and pour.
To walk in this journey, with men and women such,
Pilgrim gives thanks endless, to He who blessed him much.
No longer just a loner, but to Trinity's tribe he belongs,
Now a Trinitarian on a journey, swift merry feet hurries him along.
The Trinitarian by Pilgrim
The Trinitarian by Pilgrim