Pilgrim sat in front of his computer monitor, an anxious look, a furrowed brow. A task (translation for a funeral) had been given and the deadline furiously approaching from the horizon. Limited time was against him. His limited knowledge was against him. But an unlimited Someone was 'for' him. (Romans 8:31b "If God is for us, who can be against us?")
To the soul, the heart and the mind,
The Dove spoke, "Do not be anxious, ask and ye shall receive."
The Son spoke, "My yoke is easy, and my burden light."
The Father spoke, "My grace is sufficient for thee. Place your eyes upon Me."
Creases on the forehead began to be smoothened. Breathing easier. A conscious effort needed still, but only to focus on Him and not the task. Amazingly, time seemed to move faster and slower at the same time, but they matter not.
In the end, the task was completed. However, for Pilgrim, the more important thing was the lesson learned.
To the soul, the heart and the mind,
The Dove spoke, "Do not be anxious, ask and ye shall receive."
The Son spoke, "My yoke is easy, and my burden light."
The Father spoke, "My grace is sufficient for thee. Place your eyes upon Me."
Creases on the forehead began to be smoothened. Breathing easier. A conscious effort needed still, but only to focus on Him and not the task. Amazingly, time seemed to move faster and slower at the same time, but they matter not.
In the end, the task was completed. However, for Pilgrim, the more important thing was the lesson learned.